
In 2019, Micorsoft’s head of Design Nando Costa reached out to foam and asked us to develop a film featuring the newly designed mobile applications. The foam team had a lot of fun creating a colorful world around the designs and UX elements that Microsoft provided, as you can see below. 

Design & Direction / foam Studio
My Role / Producer, Editor & Compositor
Music / Zelig Sound

The project above layed the groundwork for an ongoing collaboration with Nando and his team and allowed us to design and produce multiple other films, showcasing fancy features of Microsoft products in a unique and highly stylized way.


foam Studio / 2019
My Role / Producer, Editor & Compositor
Music / Zelig Sound

foam Studio / 2020
My Role / Producer & Editor
Music / Zelig Sound

foam Studio / 2020
My Role / Producer & Editor
Music / Zelig Sound

Conrad Ostwald ©2025 / Imprint